Tata Juan Leon and Nana Lucia Raymundo, Jan František Bím and others The question of peace or "reconciliation" concerns our inner world and our relationship to ourselves. It is relevant for every person at the level of interpersonal relationships - partner, family, friendship or work. There is, of course, the level of peace and relationships between...
The Future is Ancestral
https://youtu.be/yrP2WJrqUN8 Jyoti Ma, Yvonna Lucká, Lucie Havlínová V úzké spolupráci s indiány kmene Kogi Jyoti nyní reprezentuje poselství o naplňování starodávného proroctví Kondora a Orla. Proroctví, které přináší našemu lidstvu zprávu, které můžeme a nemusíme naslouchat, zprávu, kterou můžeme a nemusíme vztáhnout na aktuální stav našeho světa, zprávu, se kterou...
Pai Nani (Yawanawa): Knowledge and spirituality of indigenous tribes
We are very honoured to welcome to the Czech Republic an elder from the Yawanawa tribe, the spiritual leader of a Brazilian village - Pae Nani (Nani Kateyuve), who is coming with his family. We are very happy to open a space for further intercultural dialogue, an exchange through which we can learn from each other. Pai Nani now across...