Feminine Power - A Woman's Journey through the Contemporary World

Abuela Ana (Itzpapalotl) / Tereza Černohorská
Moderated by Eva César
Kolowrat Theatre, Ovocný trh 6, Prague 1
DATE: 12/07/2023

Today, we are witnessing the rise of female power globally. How can we see this through the lens of the past/present/future? What perspectives do the archetypes of the wise woman, mother or virgin offer? What are the tools and rituals that can help us cultivate the feminine in our daily lives and in the environment we find ourselves in here?

Through the Moon Dance ritual comes the recognition of a path filled with ancient wisdom, community service, and service to all that is, all that we are. The Mexican ancestors, the guardians of this tradition, have preserved this wisdom for generations.

Rituals called "vision quest" bring knowledge through the medicine of the four elements: earth, water, air, fire. They remind us how to be in harmony with Mother Earth.

We are going to have a thematic sharing of Abela Ana, who could represent the archetype of the wise woman, then Tereza Černohorská, who is currently experiencing the period of the archetype of the mother, will follow, and the discussion will be moderated by Eva César, who brings the archetype of the virgin.

Three generations of women will come together on stage, all of whom are walking the path of self-discovery through traditional rituals and thus looking at the possibilities that this form of working with oneself offers.

Abuela Ana (Itzpapalotl)

Abuela Ana (Itzpapalotl) belongs to the Tahinian tradition from Borinke. She has devoted her life to the theme of femininity, the feminine essence, which she also works with within the Mexican tradition, from which the Moon Dance ritual was born, offering a deep self-discovery in a kind of vision quest.

"Our traditional teachings say that if you want to achieve your goal, you can't do it without effort. Nothing is free, we have to find our own way."

Tereza Černohorská

with his friends at SoulAdventure, has been guiding pilgrims through the Sahara Desert for 15 years, where participants touch deep places within themselves and experience the power of a vision quest. It inspires and encourages people to feel connected to the world they belong to and to live their own truth in it. She lives in the Giant Mountains, raises three young children and co-creates Janovicka Meadow. She made a feature-length documentary about her travels through the Sahara, Footprints in the Sand.

We need to recover all the knowledge that people have lost and get out of this automated waking up and going to work where we do the same thing over and over again, every day, without asking:
Why am I here? What is the meaning of my life?

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