We are very honoured to welcome to the Czech Republic an elder from the Yawanawa tribe, the spiritual leader of a Brazilian village - Pae Nani (Nani Kateyuve), who is coming with his family. We are very happy to open a space for further intercultural dialogue, an exchange through which we can learn from each other.
Pai Nani now shares the deep knowledge from the ancient Yawarani lineage across our continent through words, teachings, prayers and healing chants.
Indigenous tribes view us humans as the guardians of this planet. They see humanity as one heart that synchronizes around the world with a mission to heal. This mission is supported by the elders of the tribes who bring the deep teachings of the ancestors and help with their integration.
Our intention is to open up a space for mutual enrichment, to look together at the issues of today's world and to shine a light on where our perspectives diverge and where we can find points of convergence in order to walk together towards the times ahead.
Nani Kateyuve, (or Pai "Father" Nani as he is often called), is the spiritual leader of the village of Yawarani. He is 60 years old and was initiated into Yawanawa spirituality by his ancestors. The son of Antonio Luis, a strong leader of the Yawanawa tribe, he learned about Yawanawa spirituality from Pai Yawarané, who lived to the age of 106 and was his father-in-law: the father of Dona Fátima (Pai Nani's wife).
Pai Nani is one of the elders of his tribe, a teacher and healer of his tribe who carries the ancient knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Pai Nani is actively involved in keeping the Yawanawa traditions alive, in which he is fully supported by his wife Fatima, with whom he is creating a successful example of a functional, autonomous and sustainable community: Yawaraní, a village that has taken its name from the late Pai and continues his spiritual teachings.
Pai Nani has devoted his life to his family, the forest and spirituality: planting different kinds of trees, harvesting them, growing medicinal plants, and creating the necessary tools. He shares the stories of the Yawanawa culture and passes on the teachings to those who come to undergo treatments or diets with plant medicines, and also come with the intention of teaching and blessing. Pai Nani is the guardian of the authenticity of the Yawanawa culture, focusing especially on language, prayers, songs and a very deep understanding of the ancestral world. The indigenous language is the intangible heritage of all humanity, the essence of identity that is shaped by Yawanawa wisdom passed down orally for generations. Pai founded a school and teaches the family language, Pano, which is currently spoken by very few people, although many Yawanawa understand the language or parts of it, only 20% are fluent, mostly elders, with very few bilingual among the youngest.
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Yawanawa Community
is in fact an amalgamation of people that includes members from other groups: the Shawãdawa (Arara), the Iskunawa (now known as Shanênawa, who live in a village near the town of Feijó), the Rununawa, the Sainawa (commonly known as Yaminawa , who live in the Bagé River area) the Katukina.
The event was held under the auspices of

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